Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mobile Ministry for Missionaries -

A mobile phone can be a great tool for missionaries to keep in touch with their supporters.

As an example, I (Web Evangelist Scott Reese) used my cell phone to track my missionary endeavors for 5 days by taking pictures,  writing the missionary blog posts below, and even publishing the Web Evangelism blog posts, all by my mobile phone while I was away from my computer!

I know capabilities of mobile phones vary from place to place, but globally cell phone technology is rapidly improving. Soon it will be common for almost all cell phones to have camera and Internet capabilities. It is not unusual for me to get an text message from an  indigenous pastor in India and I had a friend from Africa tell me that hardly anyone in his city had Internet Access but that 80% of his friends had cell phones.

Google now offers free Mobile Blog services. It is a very easy process and can also be easily done by church ministry volunteers as a way of sharing their activities. Technical skills are not needed and you don't need an expensive Iphone to do it.

NEXT TUESDAY, I will be writing about the potential of Mobile Web Evangelism & it will also include a guide on HOW A MISSIONARY CAN USE A MOBILE PHONE FOR MINISTRY  on my other blog:

This blog, mostly written and published with a mobile phone will serve as an example of how easy it will be for missionaries to share their praise reports, prayer requests, and mission endeavors. I choose blog post titles that would help people find this page instead of describing the events (Please quickly scroll down to the bottom of the page and work your way up... this way once a supporter reads a missionary's post, when he returns the most recent information is at the top). 

People can easily sign up for a missionary's Blog RSS feed. This way they can be notified within minutes of a new post.

The use of Mobile Phones by missionaries has exciting possibilities... Please add your thoughts (and consider upgrading your missionaries phone).

P.S. -
If you have never signed up for RSS, its very easy, just click the link after a blog that says, "subscribe to". Often there is an icon like this:

Learn about Web Evangelism at

Instructions to use RRS feeds with Internet Explorer is found HERE

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